We donate 1% of your purchases to Intermon Oxfam

We are committed to a society where the value of the common welfare has become an essential right, where WE ARE ALL ONE. cementec® , therefore, is giving a step further in corporate responsibility and assuming a new challenge: its seal of social commitment.

cementec® firmly believes in sharing and giving back to society, in a concept of creation as the common home for humanity, in a world where territory is an abstract concept and borders are only physical. We believe in the power of people and the richness of social and cultural blending leading to equity for all. cementec® would like to contribute to building a society where WE ARE ALL ONE.

With this in mind, cementec® is determined to invest 1% of each customer’s payment in the NGO Intermon Oxfam, who also shares this vision. We are truly grateful for your contribution to a better world every time you choose our product.
