One of the most exciting moments of your life is remodelling your home, because this means a new beginning. But it is a great investment too that has to last forever. The main reason that caused an early deterioration is low materials quality that are used, and the second a bad application way of them.
Taking this into account, this post is going to show you remodelling jobs with ready-to-use microcement Cementec.
Remodelling jobs with microcement
When it is decided to remodel any area of our home using this continuous coating, microcement, we have sure that we are looking for different and avant-garde results. Microcement is a versatile material. Microcement unifies walls, floors and even furniture because you can cover any type of surface with the same material with a seamless look.
It is a material which is directly applied on the existing surface avoiding debris and dust. Its application is clean and barely creates dirty that it is common when a job at home is made. A simple maintenance and a very easy cleanliness. We suppose that these points convince the following customer to be interested in a material like microcement to apply it outdoor. He was aware about all these true points, however, not all microcement are the same.

Results from a badly applied microcement
Our customer coated the outdoor part of his house less than a year ago, and when we visited the application, the scene was heartbreaking. As former applicators, with many years of expertise and much research work, we know how it has to look a microcement job after 1 year of its application. And, doubtlessly, that was not the look that should have. That is not the look of any of our microcement CEMENTEC ready to use applications.
Cracks and fissures appeared on the substrate were carried to the microcement due to a lack of prior surface preparation and adaptation. Furthermore, stains produced by dirty water stack on the microcement due to a low-quality surface protection product. As this surface protection product (Top Coatings) is not of good quality, it was not able to protect the floor against liquids.
Although it is true that it is an exterior area which is exposed to temperature changes (cold, heat, sunlight, rain and humidity…). But a well-applied microcement doesn’t reflect this type of problems during its first year of application. Resistance and durability of this microcement is unacceptable.
CEMENTEC strongly knows all these particularities so we take a deep care on the prior substrate preparation before starting any new project. Prepare perfectly the surface where microcement is going to be applied is very important to get a good application, and furthermore to get a nice and lasting final result. That is why we guarantee any future inconveniences.

Let’s do it: remodelling with ready to use microcement Cementec
In this occasion we decided to use our HIGH TRANSIT material range of ready-to-use microcement CEMENTEC. Renovate with CEMENTEC ready-to-use microcement is very easy, because it is a pre-mixed material, ready to be used.
First of all, we had to remove the previous deteriorated microcement and make a prior adaptation of the pavement. Being outside, you have to prepare the surface very consciously to avoid external agents such as humidity affects the microcement.
HIGH TRANSIT microcement was chosen because it is perfect for outdoor due to is high wear resistance. This product is perfect for high foot traffic areas or, as in this case, outdoor areas exposed to the weather. Thanks to our CEMENTEC ready-to-use microcement we saved time in the preparation of the product, avoiding weighing the different components and pigments, thus during its application.

Amazing results
Cracks and humidity have disappeared at all, as you can check. Off-white was the color selected which provides a warm and elegance feeling to the surface (see pictures). Although it is not the most used colour in microcement, its final result is ideal. Just stare how beautiful the outdoor area of this house to understand why.
Sunlight emphasize microcement ready to use CEMENTEC making it more elegant. Thanks to our microcement ready to use CEMENTEC, our client loves back the exterior area of his house, and using our HIGH TRANSIT, we guarantee that this coating will last many years.
Do you know our ready to use microcement CEMENTEC? Remodelling with ready-to-use microcement, much easier than ever. A ductile and malleable material with high resistance. No need for prior training because anyone can apply it following the instructions of our video guidelines on Youtube and our technical support.
With a color array of 16 colors and different textures, microcement ready to use CEMENTEC is the highest quality-price microcement of the market. The best thing: you can buy completely online and from any part of the world.
Know more about our CEMENTEC products on the net.