How to apply microcement in 4 easy steps
Are you a bricoleur and do you want to get information of how to apply microcement by yourself? Are you looking for inspiration and do you think that microcement can convert your home or area? If this is so, you have gotten the right web page. Cementec has decided to...
Products to clean the microcement
Microcement has become one of the most used decorative coatings nowadays. It is used to cover a large number of surfaces in order to create spectacular furniture, walls and floors. One of the most frequent questions when applying a microcement floor is, what product...
Benefits of walking barefoot on microcement
Walking barefoot has many health benefits, not only physical but also mental. Having a microcement floor in your home will help you enhance this well-being, and there are many benefits of walking barefoot on microcement. Benefits of walking barefoot for your mental...
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